Frequent Questions
Below, you will hopefully find a quick answer to many of the questions we have been asked over the years, along with some we have anticipated. Simply click on the question and that section should expand to share our answer. We will attempt to keep this area of our site up-to-date with current answers to your questions.
You may still have questions that have not been fully addressed, even after checking out the answers provided below… if this is the case, please get in touch with us concerning any question you have.
General Service Questions
Can I Request A Specific Service Day
Great question. The short answer would be, “not really”.
Now for the long answer…
Generally, we can not accommodate day-specific service requests.
In order to provide exceptional and dependable service, we use software to optimize our routing and logistics. This means your property will be added to our schedule in the place that results in the least amount of driving.
Our clients greatly value our reliability. In large part, being able to provide reliable service to all our clients is increased when we don’t make day-specific commitments to each. In addition, we all know that weather is a factor (out of our control) that we must continually reschedule around.
Hope that helps. If you are looking for year-round service, check out our Lawn Services page or simply Get In Touch.
Can My Service Day Be Friday
Great question. The short answer would be, “no”.
Now for the long answer…
As answered for another question… Generally, we can not accommodate day-specific service requests. I would encourage you to review that answer also.
We schedule our recurring maintenance activities for Monday-Thursday and do not schedule regular service visits on Friday or Saturday. We will, on rare occasions need to visit on Friday due to weather related delays or other unplanned schedule adjustments. Saturday visits are even more rare than Friday.
Our clients greatly value our reliability. Along with our reliable service is the knowledge that we value their freedom to enjoy their beautiful property on the weekend.
Hope that helps. If you are looking for year-round service, check out our Lawn Services page or simply Get In Touch.
Do You Offer 1-Time Cut Service
Great question. The short answer would be, “no”.
Now for the long answer…
When we’re servicing a property, each team member’s internal ‘excellence engine’ is running at full throttle. They are not simply ‘cutting the grass’ or trimming off a few ‘wild hairs’ from the hedges. They are looking for cues to things that would make each specific landscape better. They are looking for turf health issues. Trying to identify maintenance problems to be carefully corrected over time. They are not in ‘Mow & Go’ mode… ever.
This policy of seeking excellence, on every property, presents a problem with ‘one-time’ service calls. We are basically in ‘Property Reset’ mode, but without realistically being able to charge for a property reset. We would be asking our crew members to jump in & out of ‘excellent service’ mode… This is something we are simply not comfortable with. It doesn’t match-up with our core values. It is for these reasons, we simply cannot offer a service of one-time cuts.
Hope that helps. If you are looking for year-round service, check out our Lawn Services page or simply Get In Touch.
What Lawn Service Plans Do You Offer
Currently, we offer four primary landscape maintenance service plans: MasterCare, NinjaCare, TurfCare & PlantCare.
Each of these year-round property maintenance plans can be joined with a Treatment Applications program working along-side the service plan (such as fertilizer & turf weed control, etc.).
We also offer Lawn Treatments & Applications separately (as a Treatment plan or as stand-alone applications for clients).
We offer Professional Lawn Aeration as a stand-alone service to help give your turfgrass a breath of fresh air & more!
You can find more details about these plans on our Lawn Services page, however, each service offering is usually custom crafted & quoted for each unique property.
You may also simply Get In Touch with us. We’d love to meet you.
Do You Offer Hedge Trimming Service
Great question. The short answer would be, “yes”.
Now for the long answer…
When we’re servicing a regular maintenance client’s property, we are monitoring the growth of plants & we will simply schedule extra trips or extra time to keep them in shape. Sometimes the crew will take a little extra time trimming off a few ‘wild hairs’ from the hedges. They are generally looking for things that would make each specific landscape better.
This isn’t the case with “one-time” or “on-call” hedge trimming service… in that case, you’ll set the requested amount of trimming & we’ll accomplish that in (typically) a single visit. The charge for this type of service will be fixed & payable before we schedule the crew.
Hope that helps. If you are looking for year-round service, check out our Lawn Services page or simply Get In Touch.
What Areas Do You Service
Currently, we provide service to the following areas:
- Bulloch County
- Screven County
- Candler County
- Evans County
Which Includes:
- Statesboro
- Brooklet
- Register
- Sylvania
- Claxton
- Bellville
- Metter
Please be aware that there will not always be an established route servicing every specific area of the above general locations. We may not currently service your specific area.
You can always Get In Touch with us to ask if service your specific area.
Do You Offer Landscape Design
That’s a great question.
Short answer is: Yes (and No)
Long Answer:
We do offer landscape design services for many situations where we will be installing the landscaping for the project. This may include a simple bedding area re-design, or a total make-over of your property. We can provide simple hand drawings, photo-realistic renderings, or a really neat 3-D walk-through of your new design. These design services are always custom quoted for the specific project.
As much as we love to help out folks with the improvement projects on their property, we do not provide landscape design services as a stand-alone product (in situations where we are not providing the landscape installation).
Hope that helps. If you are looking for a more in-depth answer, simply Get In Touch.
Do You Offer Lawn Aeration
That’s a great question.
Short answer is: Yes
Long Answer:
We do offer professional lawn aeration as a stand-alone service, meaning that it is not part of any maintenance plans or programs.
We offer this service using a Professional Ride-On Aerator which allows us to provide excellent results on a wide variety of soil conditions.
Hope that helps. If you are looking for a more in-depth answer, simply Get In Touch.
About Application Services
Do You Offer Single Lawn Treatments
Short answer is: No (and Yes)
Long Answer:
We do offer Annual Treatment plans for many situations which obviously include several “single” treatments. These plans are always custom quoted, as are all of our service plans.
We do not typically provide one-time treatments or per-call treatments of any sort. If we do, it is an exception. Often a single treatment will not get the job done… so we try to avoid the “band-aid” approach.
If you would like to discuss your specific landscape situation, Get In Touch with us.
What is Lawn Pest Control
Great question.
In a very broad way, a ‘pest’ is any plant, micro-organism, insect, animal or person which negatively effects the life of another. In case you missed it, that pretty much means that almost anything could be classified as a pest.
Some may think of only insects or rodents as being in the category of pests, however a stray turfgrass variety would be considered a pest. Your neighbor may consider your variety of turfgrass as a weed grass, because it is an unwelcome intruder on that lawn.
Ninja Lawns does not provide the types of “pest control” that an exterminator would provide for a building, etc. We only provide solutions for landscape pests.
If Ninja Lawns provides treatments for your landscape, we will evaluate your specific situation and desired outcome. Once we have an idea of the ‘intervention’ needed, we will set about to ‘treat’ your landscape’s entire ecosystem. The treatment may be something as simple as limiting the watering cycles or aerating the turfgrass areas of the lawn.
If you would like to discuss your specific landscape situation, Get In Touch with us.
Do You Guarantee Applications To Work
Great question.
The short answer is, “No”
We guarantee that we will only apply chemical interventions to your property that are labeled for use on residential properties. We only make applications when we believe they are needed to assist in the control of threats to your healthy plants (including your desired turfgrass). Some applications are preventative in nature and some are only available as a response to conditions on your property. Some applications will be designed to purposely kill-off undesirable plant-life (including turfgrass) so that other plant-life will have a better chance to thrive.
Applications are not always successful at providing the desired result due to factors totally beyond our control. If an application is unsuccessful and you desire us to apply another round of chemical treatment, it will be at an additional expense.
Our customers are important to us and we want them to be happy with all of our services. When we notice areas of concern we will bring those areas to our client’s attention and recommend a course of action. There are times when we will provide another application, without charge… however, this should not be expected.
In any case, Ninja Lawns does not warranty the success of chemical application activities (including weed control, pest control, and fungicide treatments).
If you would like to discuss your specific landscape situation, Get In Touch with us.
Do You Offer 1-Time Weed Control Applications
Great question. The short answer would be, “no”.
Now for the long answer…
Typically a single application will not meet the expectations of our client. Knowing this, it is best if we stick with what works to provide a long-term solution and professional results.
Our policy of seeking excellence, on every property, presents a problem with ‘one-time’ applications. We generally know that a single application will not provide the result expected every time, and we can’t really make “check-up” visits back to the property without some type of service plan, so we simply do not offer the “band-aid” approach.
Hope that helps. If you are looking for year-round service, check out our Lawn Services page or simply Get In Touch.
Do You Offer Weed Control Service
Great question. The short answer would be, “yes”.
Now for the long answer…
We offer applications to control weeds (along with other pests) in both stand-alone plans and as an upgrade to our year-round maintenance plans.
Hope that helps. If you are looking for year-round service, check out our Lawn Services page or simply Get In Touch.
Do You Offer Fertilizer With Aeration
Short answer is: No (and Maybe)
Long Answer:
We do offer the application of either a professional granular or liquid fertilizer after an aeration service. We do not automatically include this application in the quote or the service, unless it is stated on your estimate.
With applications in general, we do not typically provide one-time treatments or per-call treatments of any sort. If we do, like in the case of aeration, it is an exception to the rule.
As professionals, we know that often a single treatment will not get the job done… so we try to avoid the “band-aid” approach.
If you would like to discuss your specific landscape situation, Get In Touch with us.
About Our Lawn Services
What If My Grass Doesn't Need Cutting
When we service a client’s property, we are maintaining the landscape over the entire year. This means we adjust our activities based on the growth of plants (including turfgrass) & we will simply “re-direct” our immediate efforts into keeping other parts of the property in shape. Sometimes the crew will take a little extra time during one visit and maybe another visit will be shorter. They are generally looking for things that would make each specific landscape better.
We don’t charge or credit based upon individual visit count. All plans are based upon annual cycles of activity and then billed in monthly increments. We may have 2 visits one month & 5 visits the next… It’s all good 😉
Hope that helps. If you are looking for year-round service, check out our Lawn Services page or simply Get In Touch.
What If It Is Too Wet To Mow
Great question.
When weather conditions have made for an area of the property to be saturated to the point where mowing would probably be harmful to the turf, we will simply adjust the schedule for a return visit.
Occaisionaly, we may determine that a complete ‘skip’ is warranted. Since we service each property based upon what is best for the landscape on an annual cycle, each singluar visit doesn’t control or derail our entire maintenance program.
We do not charge extra when we make extra visits to accomplish maintenance plan services. Likewise, we do not adjust monthly billing amounts based on a skipped or rescheduled visit. All plans are based upon an annual service cycle.
Hope that helps. If you are looking for year-round service, check out our Lawn Services page or simply Get In Touch.
What Lawn Service Plans Do You Offer
Currently, we offer four primary landscape maintenance service plans: MasterCare, NinjaCare, TurfCare & PlantCare.
Answered in General Service Questions.
You can find more details on these plans on our Lawn Services page, however, each service offering is usually custom crafted & quoted for each unique property.
You may also simply Get In Touch with us. We’d love to meet you.
Turf Grass Height
I’ve noticed you are cutting my lawn at a different height than my neighbors cut theirs. Why?
Why we choose certian turf heights is a matter of what is healthiest for the turfgrass at that particular time. There are situations where it is best to allow the turf to grow a bit taller before cutting & there are situations where a nice tight shave is like a booster shot for the turf.
Thankfully, the professionals at Ninja Lawns will take care of maintaining the proper cutting height. Get In Touch.
General Guarantees
Applications Warranty
We do not warranty applications.
We guarantee that we will only apply chemical interventions to your property that are labeled for use on residential properties. We only make applications when we believe they are needed to assist in the control of threats to your healthy plants (including your desired turfgrass). Some applications are preventative in nature and some are only available as a response to conditions on your property. Some applications will be designed to purposely kill-off undesirable plant-life (including turfgrass) so that other plant-life will have a better chance to thrive.
Applications are not always successful at providing the desired result due to factors totally beyond our control. If an application is unsuccessful and you desire us to apply another round of chemical treatment, it will be at an additional expense.
Our customers are important to us and we want them to be happy with all of our services. When we notice areas of concern we will bring those areas to our client’s attention and recommend a course of action. There are times when we will provide another application, without charge… however, this should not be expected.
In any case, Ninja Lawns does not warranty the success of chemical application activities (including weed control, pest control, and fungicide treatments).
If you would like to discuss your specific landscape situation, Get In Touch with us.
Irrigation System Warranty
We do not warranty irrigation systems.
We guarantee your new irrigation system to function properly when we have completed the installation on your property. The control box, solenoids, valves, rotor heads, pop-ups, spray tips, and all connected joints will be tested and will function correctly before we consider the system install as complete. However, it should be stated that your irrigation system, like any electrical or mechanical system, must be cared for properly after it is installed.
Since we do not have a way of preventing damage (from a number of sources, including ground strikes of lightning, etc.) to the electrical components of the system, we are not responsible for problems that may arise in the proper operation once installed. There are also occasions where physical or mechanical damage occurs totally outside of our control.
When we notice areas of concern, we will bring those areas to your attention and typically recommend a course of action. There are times when we will attempt to make a repair, without charge… however, this is not always possible.
In any case, Ninja Lawns does not warranty the functioning of any part of an irrigation system past the initial installation activities.
If you would like to discuss your specific landscape situation, Get In Touch with us.
Sod Installation Warranty
We do not warranty sod installation.
We guarantee the sod to be in sound, live condition upon delivery and installation on your property. Sod is a live product and must be cared for properly after it is installed. Since we do not care for the sod continuously once installed, we are not responsible for problems that may arise due to improper care or maintenance.
Even in situations where we are providing ongoing lawn care maintenance on a property, we are not present during every watering cycle or aware of each event that may affect the health of the sod between scheduled visits (under/over watering, heat, freeze, pests, wildlife, pets, etc.).
Our customers are important to us and we want them to be happy with all of our services. When we notice areas of concern we will bring those areas to our client’s attention and recommend a course of action. There are times when we will attempt to remedy a situation, without charge… however, this is not always possible.
In any case, Ninja Lawns does not warranty the life of a plant or sod install past the initial installation activities.
If you would like to discuss your specific landscape situation, Get In Touch with us.
Plant Installation Warranty
We do not warranty plant installation.
We guarantee any plants that we install to be in sound, live condition upon delivery and installation on your property. Plants are live products and must be cared for properly after they are installed. Since we do not care for each plant continuously once installed, we are not responsible for problems that may arise due to improper care or maintenance.
Even in situations where we are providing ongoing lawn care maintenance on a property, we are not present during every watering cycle or aware of each event that may affect the health of each plant. There are a great deal of factors which can impact plant health between our scheduled visits (under/over watering, heat, freeze, pests, wildlife, pets, etc.).
Our customers are important to us and we want them to be happy with all of our services. When we notice areas of concern we will bring those areas to our client’s attention and will generally recommend what we believe is the best course of action. There are times when we will attempt to remedy a situation immediately and without charge… however, this is not always possible.
In any case, Ninja Lawns does not warranty the life of any plant install past the initial installation activities.
If you would like to discuss your specific landscape situation, Get In Touch with us.
General Landscape Topics
Watering My Turf Grass
Believe it or not, this is a bit tricky to answer. Some specific lawns need to be strengthened against drought and should be watered with a plan to help accomplish this. Some turf is over stressed and should be given a nice cool drink in the morning. Much like ourselves, the amount of water intake should be adjusted based upon current need. Adjustments should be made, based upon turf health, season, current weather trend, etc.
With our lawn care service plans, you’ll have the Ninja Lawns team looking after it for you. Get In Touch.
What is Lawn Aeration
Mechanical aeration provides an excellent, and probably the only, means of correcting or alleviating soil compaction which may be quite serious on many lawn areas.
Aerating machines remove plugs of soil from the turf area, thereby creating an artificial system of large or non-capillary pores by which moisture and plant nutrients can be taken into the soil. They also provide a breathing system through which carbon dioxide can escape from the soil and oxygen can enter the soil. A rapid intake in movement of water and air is recognized as a prime necessity in correcting damages to the turf caused by compacted soils.
Spring and early fall are the best times to aerate. A safe general rule for time of aeration is to aerate only when the desirable grasses are growing vigorously.
The type of equipment recommended will depend upon the size and use of the area. Equipment varies in size, from the small, hand, tubular-tine forks to large, tractor-drawn units capable of aerating large areas in relatively short time. Power-driven, home-owner-sized units are available. Many lawn and garden supply houses have aerating equipment available on a rental basis, and many landscape agencies will do the job on a custom basis.
Equipment having solid tines or spikes should not be mistaken for aerating equipment. Aerators always remove a soil core whereas solid tine spikers do not. Spikers actually increase soil compaction as the movement of the soil to all sides by the penetration of the solid tine forces the soil into a denser mass.
Answer Source: Harper, J. C., “Aeration of Turfgrass Areas,” PennState Center for Turfgrass Science.
With our lawn care service plans, you’ll have the Ninja Lawns team looking after it for you. Get In Touch.
Watering My Planting Beds
Planting beds, with all the differences in having stone, mulch, or pine straw to help the soil retain moisture, will vary in the need for watering. Some plants just seem to drink & drink, while others could pass for camels.
As part of our MasterCare lawn service, you’ll have the Ninja Lawns team looking after it for you. Get In Touch.